Integrated Policy of Grupo Avinea

At Grupo Avinea we produce safe, authentic, and outstanding alcoholic beverages that provide value to our customers and consumers.

With sustainability as a value, we are an innovative and economically viable organization that enhances the environmental quality and the natural resources, guaranteeing the safety and health of employees, contributing to the development and well-being of agricultural workers, employees, and the local community, involved in the value chain, contributing to the valuation of its cultural, ecological, historical, and regional landscape heritage.

With the spirit of continuous improvement and the system approach, resources are assigned, and procedures and records are generated that, together with the appropriate training, guide the daily work of each employee, respecting the following principles:

1. Contribute with each action to the vision, mission, and values ​​of Grupo Avinea.

2. Exceed the expectations of our customers regarding the quality of our products.

3. Develop a culture of quality and food safety in our collaborators to guarantee the safety, authenticity, and admissibility of the products that we produce and sell.

4. Provide safe working conditions for our employees and all those who carry out activities on our sites.

5. Generate a healthy work environment that fosters the physical and emotional well-being of our employees.

6. Ensure compliance with human and labor rights following the guidelines of the 9 points of the Basic Code of Ethical Trading Initiative ETI.

7. Diffuse our internal Code of Ethics among our collaborators, ensuring its compliance and generating adequate internal communication channels to report breaches.

8. Generate strategic partnerships with suppliers that allow their development and responsible sourcing of raw materials and supplies.

9. Promote environmentally responsible production at our sites, identifying and managing environmental impacts, promoting efficient use of water, optimizing energy, and managing waste following 5R criteria.

10. Promote responsibility and moderation in the consumption of our products, promoting wine as a gastronomic, cultural and social experience.